From the 24th of September until the 30th
of October, we are lucky enough to enjoy from Akro a dreamy sunset.
This is our favorite time at Akro.
Our sunset is alive…so should you.
A blaze of color in a romantic atmosphere with summer breeze.
The giant, burnt-orange sphere sinks towards the horizon, coloring the rock layers until its gone while sky and beach are covered in colors.
Leave your rational minds behind and take an artist’s tour at Akro.
Get lost to the most famous moment in Santorini and never return to civilization.
Imagine a soft evening light
Magic aura of our island is spread everywhere, so our visitors can enjoy every minute in this good energy beach.
Lovers of the island are still having their vacation in October, since weather in our spot,
Mesa Pigadia is still hot so you can enjoy a swim, lunch or a beautiful romantic dinner by the time of sunset in Akro.
Sunset is enjoyed sensually, intellectually and emotionally.
We first experience beauty through our basic senses.
Hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. A sensory pleasure taking place at Akro.
Here comes our bride…here comes the sunset.